Japanese School Military Uniform Styles: Girls

Figure 1.--Japanese schools began instituting sailor suit uniforms for girls in the early-20th century. The style took some time to be widely accepted, but became the standard secondary school uniform for girls.

As part of the Menji reforms an educational system was designed to educate girls as well as boys. This was a major step for traditionally minded Japan. While schools were established for girls, there was a first considerable reluctance on the part of parents to send girls to school, espeially to secondary schools. And at first there were no uniforms adopted when Japan first began building a modern eductionl system. Girls wore kimonos, but again these varied as to social standing and family income. And school authorities to avoid disruption decided to also introduce uniforms for the girls. The uniform selected was the sailor outfits worn by the British Royal Navy. It took longer to accomodate paents to the unforms for the girls than for the boys. Girls for some time wore either kimonos or a variety of Western outfits. Educating girls was not initually a priority, especially in the pre-World War I era. The girls sailor outfits were also basically the same, but had many stylistic differences. The girls wore a variety of hats with their sailor outfits. Some secondary schools now have British sttle blazers and skirts, but the sailor outfits are still very common.


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Created: 2:41 AM 7/22/2010
Last updated: 2:41 AM 7/22/2010