*** U.S. schoolwear -- chronology: United States 20th century 1920s

U.S. School Clothes: 20th Century Chronology--The 1920s

graduation 1920s
Figure 1.--We notice quite a few images like this in the 1920s. We at first thought that this was a First Communion porteait, but the girl is too old. And thge boy is too houng for conformation. We think this may be an 8th grade graduation portrait, although some kind of Sunday School awards is another possibility. White dresses were very common for graduation portraits. This portrait is undated, but looks like the early-1920s to us.

Most children walked to school in the 1920s. The patrol boys became a standard institution at most schools. Children at city schools either briought their lunches or went home for lunch. Not many schools had cafeterias. Many elementary schools adopted a special day for Scouts to wear their uniforms. Boys commonly dressed in suits for school in the 1910s. We still see that after World War I in the 1920s, but not as commonly. Especially by the end of the decade we see many boys wearing more casual clothes for school. The youngest primary (elementary) boys might wear shorts pants for school, but knickers were much more common, especially by about the 3rd grade. Knickers replaced kneepants in the 1910s and were quite common even in secondary school. Knickers continued to be standard schoolwear for boys in the 1920s, although we no longer see older highschool boys wearing them. Sweaters and corduroy knickers were a popular combination. The 1920s were the first decade in which sweaters became a major school item. Knickers were worn mostly with long stockings until the end if the decade when we begin to see brightly patterned knee socks. Boys almost never wore knickers with ankle socks. We also see a shift from high-top to low-cut shoes over the decade, Sneakers were becoming popular durung the 20s, but were not commonly worn to school. We continue to see differences between city and rural schools. Girls almost always wore dresses or blouses and skirts to school. Readers can view scenes at individual schools during the 1920s. Highschool girls often middy blouses and bloomers for gym in the 1910s. We still see that in the early-20s, but we begin to see girls at some schools wearing short pants for gym. We also see romper suits. We continue to see quite a number of 8th grade graduations. Many chikdren still did not go on to high school after the 8th grade in the 1920s, although it was becoming more common. Thus 8th grade graduations were still an important event.

Coming to School

Most children walked to school in the 1920s. The patrol boys became a standard institution at most schools. Children at city schools either briought their lunches or went home for lunch. Not many schools had cafeterias.

School Wear

The photographic record provides elaborate details as to popilar school styles. There were no uniform. Earlier chikdren dresse i some of their best clothes, such boys weatinhg suits. After World War I in the 1920s we see more informal outfits. Boys and girls wore intirely different styles. One of the few common items were hosiery--especial black long stockings. We see boys' styles becoming more infprmal in the 1920suth fewer boys wearing suits. We see fewer changes with girls' clothing. The major changes were fewer hair bows an more knee soxks rather than long stockings. Boys commonly dressed in suits for school in the 1910s. We still see that after World War I in the 1920s, but not as commonly. And there werefewer boys wearing ties. Sweaters became nore common, in many cases replacing suit jackets. Especially by the end of the decade we see many boys wearing more casual clothes for school. The youngest primary (elementary) boys might wear shorts pants for school, but knickers were much more common, especially by about the 3rd grade. Knickers replaced knee pants in the 1910s and were quite common even in secondary school. Knickers continued to be standard schoolwear for boys in the 1920s, although we no longer see older highschool boys wearing them. Sweaters and corduroy knickers were a popular combination. The 1920s were the first decade in which sweaters became a major school item. Knickers were worn mostly with long stockings until the end if the decade when we begin to see brightly patterned knee socks. Boys almost never wore knickers with ankle socks. We also see a shift from high-top to low-cut shoes over the decade, Sneakers were becoming popular during the 20s, but were not commonly worn to school. Girls still almost always wore dresses or blouses and skirts to school. There were many different styles. Sailor styles were popular. We still see some large hair bows. We no longer see pinafores. High school girls often middy blouses and bloomers for gym in the 1910s. We still see that in the early-20s, but we also see romper suits. We thought that hese outfits were only for gym. Girls like the boys commonly wore long stockings. Black continued to be common. We also see knee socks. They were more common for girls than boys.


The 1920s was a turning point in American demographic historic. It was in the 1920s that the United Sttes became a majority urban populastion. Large urban centers first began appearing in the mid-19th century even when most of the population still lived in the country side. And urban and rural schools were very different. There wee still many small one- and two-room schools. And the children at urban and rural schools dressed very differently. For the most part, rural children did not have sendary schols ghey coukd attend. America had bcome the largest industrial power in the late-19th century, long before the majority of the population lived in cities. It was at this point that Henry Ford introduced the Model-T Ford--the Tin Lizzy. There were major impacts. First it the Model T helped thrust America from the world largest industrial nation to a an industrial superpower aprroaching the industrial outout of all of Europe in the Roaring Twenties. The industrial expansion drove even more people into the cities. Another shift beginning in the 1910s was the Great Migration (1910-70) which propelled rural African Americans in the South to northern cities. All of this had consequences for American schools. Nor only do we see African American children in norther schools, but we begin to sees states begining to consolidate the many small rural schools which were expensive to operate. And the automotive industry was soon making busses, including school busses that made school cosolidation possible. .


Most American children attended school in the 1920s. The growth of the American econiomy and the passage of child labor laws in many states (the Southnwas a notable excption, more children were attending school regularly. By 1920, there were nearly 26 million American students enrolled in primary (elementary) and secondary schools, the vast majority inn primary schools. The school years was somewhat shorter than it is today. Schooling would not approoch its modern length until the 1930s. The 1920s was when Ameruica made the transitiin from a largky rural to an urban population and this nmade a difference in school attendance and level of educational achievenement. City kids are more likely to attend school and reach higher levels of educatiion than rural children. Small rural schools made primary level education possible, but secondary education was for the most part largeky restricted to city kids. Many farm parents, including those financially able, were not supportive of education, especially scondary eduction because it meant the yoingster leaving the farm wherev they werevann important part of the work force. And others farm families were not financially able to support their children away from home. My fatherr for example had to leave the family farm to go to high school and this caused a big rift with his father (1916). Primary education was largely an 8 year proram in rural school. In city schools, 6 years became the norm and junior high schools appeared. More children continued theur education into the seciondary level, but it was still a substantial, but griowing minority. The 1920s decade was the Roaring Twenties. This had a contraduictiry trend. More families had the financial ability to support their chikdren if they wanted ti ciontinue their education. But the strong economy crerated jobs that attracted many children completing theing primary school. In 1920 only about 20 percent of American kids were earning high school diplomas, but this was a huge increase over the 19th century and higher than in Europe. And these diplomas actally meant somethings in contrast to the often disgraceful level of academic achievement in modern American schools.

School Portraits

There were changes in schoolwear in the 1920s. Some garments continued to be popular. Flat caps were very common. Many boys in secondary school wore suits and neckties. Norfolk and knicker suits were very common. More boys were wearing long pants, but knickers were still common for younger high school boys. Kneepants disappeared in the early 20s. Boys commonly wore knickers with long stockings. Boys in primary (grammar/elementary) schools began dressing more informally. Some younger boys wore short pants to school, but knickers were much more common. Boys at private schools tend to dress in suits, but few schools have uniforms. Bib-front overalls were very common at rural schools. Most boys wore leather shoes to school. Corduroy knickers are very common. We notice very few children wearing sneakers. Almost all of the girls wear dresses. It is common to see children at rural schools coming to school barefoot, especially in the South.

Scout Day

Many elementary schools adopted a special day for Cubs and Scouts to wear their uniforms.


Graduation is a major event in American schools. There were two types of graduatiion. MSecondary education was expanding, but most American student finished their education with primry school, meaning the 8th grade. We continue to see quite a number of 8th grade graduations. Most children still did not continue on to high school after the 8th grade in the 1920s, although it was becoming more common. Thus 8th grade graduations were still an important event. High scjool beginning with 9th grade had an even more elaborate graduation ceremony, modelled on univerity graduation. High school was a 4-year program (9th-12th grade).


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Created: 5:26 AM 11/22/2011
Last updated: 11:33 PM 5/29/2023