Italian School Smocks: Gender

Figure 1.--This was a boys school where all the children had to wear school smocks. A few of the boys, however, do not have their white collars or bows. The photograph was taken in 1972.

Both boys and girls wore school smocks in Italy. There were differences that varied over time. There were differences among families and schools. We believe that the Government required both boys and girls to wear them, but we have few historical details at this time. We believe that smocks may have been worn by older girls than boys. Also as smocks became a parental matter rather than Government and school regulations that they have become more common for girls than boys. Historically HBC is not sure what color smocks boys and girls wore. In more recent years, Italian boys generally wore dark-colored smocks. Girls and very young boys have been more likely to wear light-colored smocks, often with Peter Pan collars. Both boys and girls wore the smocks with wide Peter Pan collars. In more recent years, the Peter Pan collars have become less common for the boys. We have noted some boys wearing smocks with pointed collars. White smocks seem to have become more common in recent years and are worn by boys and girls. Both boys and girls wear large white collars and floppy bows. White collars are still common, but today the bows are less commonly worn for both boya and girls.


While both boys and girls have cpmmonly worn smocks in Italy, they seem to have been nore popular for girls than boys. We have seen girls wearing smocjks over a wider time period. We also believe that smocks were worn by older girls than boys. Also as smocks became a parental matter rather than Government and school regulations that they have become more common for girls than boys. Historically HBC is not sure what color smocks boys and girls wore. We see many images of boys and girls wearing dark smocks during the early 20th century before World War II. In more recent years, Italian boys generally wore dark-colored smocks. Girls and very young boys have been more likely to wear light-colored smocks. Often they were worn with with Peter Pan collars. At some schools only the girls wore smocks. This tended to be at schools beyond the primary years. At other schools it was up to the parents. Here often it was the girls who were the most likely to wear smocks, although this has varied over time.


Boys also commonly wore smocks in Italy. Mostly it was boys at primary schools. This tended to be at schools where smocks were required. When they were not required, boys commonly did not wear them, especially by the 1960s. Some boys complained that they were girlish. This often occurred at mixed, coed schools. There were differences in color and styling anbd gender conventions have varied over time. Boys were most likely to wear dark smocks. This has, howevere, varied over time. Girls also commonly wore dark smocks, especially during the Fascist era. Both boys and girls wore the smocks with wide Peter Pan collars. In more recent years, the Peter Pan collars have become less common for the boys. We have noted some boys wearing smocks with pointed collars. White smocks seem to have become more common in recent years and are worn by boys and girls. Both boys and girls wear large white collars and floppy bows. White collars are still common, but today the bows are less commonly worn for both boys and girls.


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Created: May 22, 2001
Last updated: 2:15 PM 6/8/2010