English Lawn Bowls

Figure 1.--Here we see what looks like a bowls team. The boy may be a helper or related to one of the players. It is a postcard-backed photograph that we guess was taken about 1910.

Bowls is asport played throughout Europe and Latin America. There are different names and various rules in differet countries. In Enlamd it is played on grass or nowadays artifical turf. And thus is known as lawn bowls. The objective is to roll biased balls so that they touch or stop close to a smaller ball called a 'jack' or 'kitty'. It is played on a bowling green which may be flat (flat-green bowls) or convex or uneven (crown green bowls). It is normally played outdoors, although there are indoor venue. The game has a long history. There are documented mention of the sport dating back to the middle ages begining with stones (13th century). his prbably means that ithas even earlier origins. We see clunbs playing bowls with men and women playing in whites. Bowls is mostly played by older adults in teams, but we see some boys probably mascots are helping the older participants in various ways


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Created: 6:56 AM 5/19/2019
Last updated: 6:57 AM 5/19/2019