Estonian Sailor Suits: Ethnicity

Figure 1.--This colorized portrait was taken by A. Alex in Tallinn, probably during the 1930s. The sailor suit is a German style. Note the striped blouse and white string tie for the sailor scarf. We are not sure, however, if the color reproduction was accurate. Blue sure was more common. Nor are we sure if the boy if an ethnic German or Estonian.

We think sailor suits in Estonia were mostly worn by city boys and ethnic-Germans were a major part of the the country's urban population. We are less sure about ethnic Estonian boys in the countryside. Many Baltic ports were founded by Germans and participared in the Hanseatic League. This began when there were frew cities in the Baltics. As a result the Germn influence was important in Baltic cities, especilly ports. This is difficult to test out with the photographic record because we are not sure just who is wearing the sailor suits. We are unable to differentiate between ethnic German and Estonian boys. We can sometimes differentiate between the Slavs and Germans. The Baltic prople, including the Estonians are more difficult to identify. Ethnicity can be iften identifiedif nmes re availabke, but rlatively few of the images we have fojnd are identifidd. We can spot German styled sailor suits. During the inter-War era we see more ethnic Estinians in the cities and playing a major political role for the first time.


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Created: 3:59 AM 2/10/2014
Last updated: 3:59 AM 2/10/2014