French Sailor Suits: Colors

Figure 1.--These unidentified French boys, we think brothers, in the 1910s are wearing light-colored sailor suits. They are clearly not white suits, but we are not sure about the color. A reader tells us that they were pink suits.

French boys like boys in other countries primarily wore blue and white sailors suits, the traditional colors used in naval uniforms. We see blue suits, white suits, and blue and white suits. Navy blue was the modt popular blue, buth others blue shades were also used. During the time in which the sailor suit was popular, almost all photographs were black and white. While we know most suits were blue and white, we also know that there were other color. This was not only because clothes normally are made in a variety of colors, but also because many colors showed dirt less than white and thus were more practical play suits. We are not sure what colors were used. We note, for example, light colored suits. We are not sure what colors they were, but they were clearly not white. We suspect brown and grey were used for play suits. We know these colors were used in America, but we can not yet confirm this in France. We do note a pink suit about 1910.


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Created: 1:47 AM 7/1/2009
Last updated: 1:47 AM 7/1/2009