Attention the Turtle!: Costuming

Figure 1.-- Here we see Tanya and her friends dressing Yoga up as a little girl so he can escape from the hospital and save Rocket.

The boys in the school wear what I thought wee grey suits. Apparently they are light-blue suits. A Russian reader tells us, "In the beginning of 1970s there was a light grey-blue school uniform for boys, just as depicted in movie. Later it was replaced by dark-blue school uniform." For some reason the girls in many of the scenes do not wear the blue uniform dresses and pinafores we note in Soviet schools. They do wear blue dresses in one class scene. Normally if the boys wear uniforms, so do the girls. Rather they wear a variety of fashionable outfits. The costuming becomes part of the plot. Yoga, the little boy who is the maun charcter, has to dress up as a little girl so he can escape from the hospital where hecis being trrated and save Rocket the Turtle.


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Created: 9:07 AM 12/9/2008
Last updated: 9:07 AM 12/9/2008