Instrumental Music: Lenny and His Saxophone--Performance Costume

Figure 1.-- Lenny's special performance costume was a kind of silk blouse with a large, probably red, bow. Curriously a younger brother and a sister or cousin wears a similar outfit. Perhaps there was some kind of family event.

Most boys did their recitals in their best suits, commonly but not always dark suits. Some boys had special performance outfits. These might be worn if a boy was especially good and performed cpmmercially or was a part of some kind of school program or church service. Lenny's special performance costume was a kind of silk blouse with a large, probably red, bow. Curriously a younger brother and a sister or cousin wears a similar outfit. Perhaps there was some kind of family event.


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Created: February 10, 2004
Last updated: February 10, 2004