Albert Anker Body of Work: Historical Scenes

Figure 1.-- We note this Anker painting of ancient Greece done in 1866. It shows a group of children at play. The clothing is not accurate. In the reality probably the boys this age mostly likely would have normally worn cloths wrapped around their waists, but for active play like this they would have most likely taken off also these garments. Given the fact that the Greeks did not have fitted garments, the cloths they normally wore would have probably fallen off. Of course Anker may have been affected by the conventions of the day. and painting naked children may have not have been acceptable.

We also notice some historical works. We do not have a large archive of his historical works. We believe that he did not go for powerful people or great turning points in history. Rather we see scenes of ordinary life sent in historical periods, often with children. At the time there was no easy way gto reseaech how children dressed in histirical periods. Thus we note errors in the depictions. The painyings are always beautifully executed and chrming, but there are errors in the depictions. Of course when he was working on Swiss village life the details are all depicted in great detail and accuracy. We note an Anker painting of ancient Greece done in 1866. It shows a group of children at play. The clothing is not accurate. In the reality probably the boys this age mostly likely would have normally worn cloths wrapped around their waists, but for active play like this they would have most likely taken off also these garments. Given the fact that the Greeks did not have fitted garments, the cloths they normally wore would have probably fallen off. Of course Anker may have been affected by the conventions of the day. and painting naked children may have not have been acceptable.


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Created: 9:07 PM 10/24/2011
Last updated: 9:07 PM 10/24/2011