Belgian Hosiery: Striped Long Stockings

Figure 1.--This CDV portrait shows an unidentified Belgian boys wearing a knee pants suit with a fancy collar. Notice the striped long stockings. The studio was V. Barras in Leige.

We do not yet have much information on Belgian long stockings in general and have just begun to assess striped stockings. We note striped stockings in Britain during the 1850s, at least in fashion magazines. The pgotgraphic record is more limuted to substantiate this. We do not see photographic evidence of this in America until the 1870s. We are not sure when they first appeared in Belgium. We first note striped long stockings in the 1870s, but our Belgian archive is still very limited. Here we see an unidentified Belgian boy from Liege, a city in Flanders. I had thought that Liege was the eastern-most province of Walonia and the city of Liege is on the fault line between Dutch-speaking Flanders and French speeking Walonia. A Dutch reader tells us, "Liège is not located in Flanders, but rather in the heart of Wallonia as capital of the same named: Liège. This province is Fench-speaking with a small German-speaking minority at the eastern border, a remnant of a pre-World War I situation when the region belonged to Prussia (Germany)." The boy here was probably a Waloon. We do not know if there were any differences between Walonia and Flanders as to long stockings in general and striped stockings in particular. We have no informatiin yet as to the chronology of striped long stockings other than the CDV here. It looks to have been taken in the 1870s, probably the early-70s. We also do not have any information on the gender conventions. The boy here is wearing striped stockings with a suit for a dressy occassion. For a more fornmal event such as church he may have worn black or other dark long stockings, but this is just speculation at this time as our 19th century Belgian archive is so limited.


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Created: 12:58 AM 8/17/2012
Last updated: 11:23 AM 6/27/2015