Romanian Boys' Clothes: Folk Costumes--Usage

Figure 1.--Here we see a Bucarest boy from a well-to-do family wearing a fok outfit that was probbly used for special occsions. e believe he came from n ffluent family because of this long hir. This would be someting yjat afshion concious mother would be most likely to chose. the CDV is not dated, but we would guess it was taken about 1870. The studio was K.F. Zippser in Bucarest.

What we call folk styles are esentually the clothing traditionally worn by the population in the countryside. These styles and decoration developed over time, primarily dating back to the 18th century. As modern styles began to emerge in the early-19th century, they were quickly adopted in cities, but country people were more likely to keep cling to trditional styles. A factor here was tat there were differences between the countryside and cities. In some cases there were ethbic differences. As Romania emerged from the Ottoman orbit in the 19th century we begin to see Western dress appearing and even becoming dominant in the cities while people in the country side continued to wear the traditional styles which came to be known as folk styles. From a very early point we begin to see cities familes dressing up their children in folk styles for special occassion. This was one expression of nationalist sentiment which was rising throughout Europe. We see this in quite a number of European country. Only after World War II and the Communist era did folk styles disappear in the countryside. This happened so rapidly that we suspect it was a policy adopted by Communist officials, but we have no details. The Communist decesion to attempt to rapidly (but as we know now not efficebtly) industrialize may be part of this proceess.


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Created: 12:55 PM 12/10/2015
Last updated: 12:55 PM 12/10/2015