Chinese School Uniform: Chronology--Imperial Dynasties

Figure 1.--

Chinese history dates back over 5,000 years to about 3000 BC, although much of the country's early history is shrouded in lengend rather than historical fact.

Earliest Records

The beginning of a formal education system can first be identified in the 16th century BC or the later Shang Dynasty (1523-1027 BC). Presumably there were earlier antecedents, but they are lost to histpry. Education was the destinct privilege of the small elite class. The principal purpose was to train boys for imperial givernment service. From an eraly period, the Chinese curriculum focused on the "Six Arts": Rites, Music, Archery, Chairot-Riding, History, and Mathematics. [Surowski]

Confucius (551-479 BC)

Confucius (551-479 BC) helped direct the Chinese curriculum to the study of the The Four Books and The Five Classics. These classical volumes provided an outline of an entire educational and scocial system. They included the principles of society and government, as well as codes for personal conduct. Taken together they are findamental works explaining Confucian philosophy. Confuucianism was to dominate the Chinese view of life and more specifically the approach toward education until the victory of the Communist Revolution in 1949. [Surowski]

Elite System

The Chinese educational system over more than three milenia was designed to educate a small elite class. There was no public eduaction at all. Even the schools to educate the elite were private institutions. The Chinese masses even at the beginning of the 20th century were largely illrerate. The imperial governent's only involvement was to administer the various levels of the imperial or civil service examinations. These exams were instrumental on the selection of imperial officials, at leastvat the entry level. Promotion withon the imperial service was a different matter. The actual exams were essay questions designed to assess a candidate's understanding of Confucian philosophy. Prospective candidates prepared for these examinations by attending private instutions of higher learning. One example is the shuyuan, schoos which existed with the single expressed purpose of preparing students for imperial civil service examinations. [Surowski]

Chinese World View

China unlike other great civilizations developed in almost total isolation from the other great civilizations of the world. Until the arrival of the Europeans in the 16th century there were no contacts by sea. The only contacts by land had been the "Silk Road" but this permitted very limited exchanges and over long periods was interupted or conducted by intermediaries. Thus Chinese scholars could only compare China to the less cultured societies that existed on Chinese frontiers. In many cases, especially in the north and west these were nomadic, often barabaric peoples that developed in China the idea that theur society was the center of the universe and that all knowledge of importance was developed by China. This outlook was pervasive and strongly affected tge Chinese educational system.


We know nothing at this time about the early Chinese schools and how the boys were dressed.

Historical Background

A brief history of China is available in the general Chinese country section. This may be useful in understanding gistorical developments in education.


David B. Surowski, "History of the Educational System of China: An essay commissioned by Projects for International Education Research," undated essay accessed August 29, 2002.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: August 29, 2002
Last updated: August 29, 2002