English Rompers: Tucking in Dresses

English girls rompers
Figure 1.-- An English reader writes, 'I was looking at your photo of the three children, and the older girl in 'rompers'. I am wondering if she is actually wearing a dress and has tucked the hem in her knickers to prevent it from getting wet. My sister and her friends in the 1940s abd 50s often did this. Attached is a picture of a girl similarly dressed (in red square). It is from HBCs page on Gordon Beach, Gravesend, London.'

An English reader writes, "I was looking at your photo of the three children, and the older girl in 'rompers'. I am wondering if she is actually wearing a dress and has tucked the hem in her knickers to prevent it from getting wet. My sister and her friends in the 1940s abd 50s often did this. Attached is a picture of a girl similarly dressed (in red square). It is from HBCs page on Gordon Beach, Gravesend, London." This certainly is a possibility. It must be remembered that people in the 1940s and 50s, especially children, had much more limited wardrobes than is the case today.


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Created: 11:51 PM 7/29/2012
Last updated: 11:51 PM 7/29/2012