English Knicker Suits: Age Trends

Figure 1.--here we see Englisdh brothers wearing cut-away jacket suits wuth vests and knickers. The large Fauntleroy collars aloing with the mount style (dark green mount and gold lettering) date the portrait to the late-1880s. The boys wear sailor caps, but not sailor suits. They look to be about 5-8 years old. The portrait was taken ast the Head Studfio in Southend-on-Sea.

We note school age boys wearing knee pants suits in the 19th century. We do not have much information on the early- and mid-19th century. Unlike America, few Daguerreotypes and Ambro-types are available from England coveringthe mid-century. But with the appearance of the CDV (1860s) we begin to photographic portaits in some numbers that allow us to assess fashion trends. Our archive is still limited, but we note boys wearing kncker suits from about 5-15 years of age. We have just begun to work on age conventions, but this is a rough estimate for the second half of the 19th-century. Many boys wore knicker suits to school. A number of private schools had them as school uniforms. While many boys wore knicker suits, knee pnts suits were much more common in America. At the turn-of-the 20th century we see more boys wearing knee pabts suits. Herec age was a factor. After Wotrld War I in the 190s, short psnts suits became standard wear for boys. We note some teenagers wearing knickers suits as akkind of transition to long pants. We note the samectrend in Italy, France, and Germany. This contrasts with America where knicker suits had become standard wear in the 1910s. We nolonger see knickers suits to any extent in Englnd after World War II, but short pants suits were still common until the 1960s.


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Created: 1:52 PM 12/10/2011
Last edited: 1:52 PM 12/10/2011