American Holidays: Columbus Day (October 12)

Figure 1.--Columbus Day over time shifted from a historical observtion during the 19th century to a patriotic extravanza, ecelebrting not nonly Italian ethnicity, but what Ameriva did for millions of Italian immigrants. You can see that in th children's cpstimes here during the 1920s. We think the costumes represent: Counia the Jem of the Oceans, Uncle Sam, Native Americans, Italian peasants, and lastly Columbus himself.

Columbus Day is an American national holiday and celebrated in much of Latin America and of course Italy and Spain. The celebrtion varies quite a bit from country to country. It celebrates the anniversary of Christopher Columbus' discovery of the Americas (October 12, 1492). The event is celebrated as Columbus Day in the United States. There are different names in other countries. In much of Latin Ameica it is celebrated as Día de la Raza (Day of the Race). Columbus' landing has been celebrated unofficially on a small way as a historical event leading to the founding of the United States (since the late-18th century). It had nothing to do with ethnicity. There were at the time first few Spainards, Italians and Catholics in the United States. This did not change until after the Civil War when large numbers of Italians began immigrating to the United States. Now Columbus sailed under the flag of the Spanish monarchy (Ferdinand and Isabella), but he was Italian. And as Italian emigration swelled, the growing Italian communities in American cities wanted a holiday like the Irish St. Patrick's Day to celebrate. And Columbus Day became of the famed explorer's ethnicity that holiday. Columbus day became a kind of national extravaganza. Celebrating the historical event, Italian ethnicity, and the American nation. Patriotism was from the beginning an important element. As part of both Columbus Day and St. Patrick's Day is the opportunities America afforded Irish and Italian immigrants. (Notice that this element is generally lacking in Cinco de Mayo celebrations.) Official celebration began at the local and state level. Finally President Roosevelt, ever the master politician, helped move the idea of a national holiday though Congress (1937) In recent years there has been areassement of Columbus Day. Native American and Left Wing groups have pointed out how Columbus and the Spanish Conquistadores brutally treated Native Americans. And of course this continued with the foundation of the United States. Left wing treatment of history is generally dishonest, but here there is considerable truth in their narative, although as can be expected by left-wing authors decidely one sided. They ignore the fact that Native americans long before Columbus waged war, practiced human sacrifice, and were terribly brutal toward each other. Nor do left-wing authors offer many real alternatives, especially in their underlying effort to demonize the United States. Not many Americans would be all that happy with heards of bufalo stampeding through the front yard.


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Created: 6:21 PM 6/21/2016
Last updated: 6:21 PM 6/21/2016