Armistice/Veteran's Day (November 11)

Figure 1.-- Here Boy Scouts honor America's Unknown Soldier in observing Armistice Day in Arlington Cemetary during the 1920s. Among the first to observe Armistice Day in Washington were the Boy Scouts of America, who journeyed to Arlington National Cemetery bright and early in the morning.

Veteran's Day is celebrated on the anniversary of the World War I Armistace on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month November 11, 1918). It was until after World war II called Armistice Day. Wotld War I destroyed a generation of European youth. The impact on the United States was substantial, but not as severe. It was called the Great War and for a while it was assumed that it was the last great war. The first celebration of Armistice Day was on November 11, 1919. The veterans who fought thecWar marched in parades throughout America. They were hometown heroes. The men were not back in American for a year when many Americans began to think that it had all been a terrible mistake getting involved. And that feeling only grew throughout the 1920s. Congress did not make Armistice Day an official mational holiday until much later (1938). Ironically this was just as it was becoming clear that there would be another European War. Many Americans were determined to stay out of World War II, but the Japanese carrier attack on Pearl Hsrbor changed this. World War II was even a greater effort than World War I. Over 16.5 million Americans served in World War II and 407,000 died or were killed in combat. Veteransontinued tbe honored on Novenber 11, but the term Veterans Day began to become more commom as Armitice Day seem to refer to only World War I. And the Korean War convinced more people that the name needed to be chsnged. Congress passed a bill remaming the occassiin to Veterans Day and President Eisenhower signed it into law (1954). Congress passedc another law cjanging the date to the fourth Monday in October (1968), but as a result of protests, voted again to return to November 11 (1978). Thus every yeat on November 11th, Americans give thanks for peace and remember those who fought and died for the country. Many European countries (especially Britain and France) also celebrate the Wotld war I Armistice on this date. There are celebrations all around the country. The most important is held at Arlington Cemetary in a memorial next to the tomb of the Unlnown Soldiers. The serving president usually attends this ceremony.


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Created: 6:24 AM 6/4/2010
Last updated: 6:24 AM 6/4/2010