Christmas in India

Figure 1.-- This Canadian family living in Southern India adapted its Christmas traditions to the new situation. The Christmas tree is made with a palm branch and the boy adopted also the Indian lungi.

India is a predominatly Hindu country with a substantial Muslim minority. There are much smaller numbers of different religions, including Christianity. Christma celebraions are amazingly diverse in India, in large measure beciause of the country's great diversity. Therecare substantial regional differences. Indians are an amalgum of many different ethnicities, cultures, and languages. Christianity in India is primarily a culturakl imprint of the British Raj, although Portugal and France have left Catholic traditions. Indians celebrate Christmas with all the gaiety, color, and devotion f a Hindu festival. Most Indian Christians begin to celebrate on Chrismas Eve (December 24) and continued until New Years. Masses are held to celebrate Jesus' birth. Most Western Christmas traditins can be found in India, including carols, cakes, candles and decorating trees. There are many local accomodations. Raher than evergreens, bananas plants, palms, or other tropical folliage may be used. Thus while many European Christmas traditions can be replicated, Only the weather can not be replicated.


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Created: 2:47 AM 12/29/2008
Last updated: 2:47 AM 12/29/2008