** Christmas in Germany Christmas clothing

Christmas in Germany: Clothing

Figure 1.--We see countless German German photographs of boys wearing sailor suits in the early-20 century. It was not a virtual uniform, but sailor suits certainly eere very common. Often brothers were dressed identically. Here we see two brothers wiyth identical sailor suits with one of the most popuolar bohy toys--a train set.

We see countless German German photographs of boys wearing sailor suits in the early-20 century. It was not a virtual uniform, but sailor suits certainly eere very common. Often brothers were dressed identically. Of couse home snapshots would have mostly been taken by middle-class families. Working-class families ewere unlikekly to have the camera and needed photograophic equipment. Phototography was a popular, but not inexpensive hobby. The sailor suit was not nearly as popular with working-class families. We so not fully understanf the dynamic at this time. There was an association with the Royal family and German nationalism. German boys genrrally wore shot oants sailor suits, but because of the inter wear wityh long stockings. All of this very rapidly chanhed after World War II. The sailor suit very rapidly declined in popularity. Before the War II, it was often possible to identify the country involved in old photograaphs by the clothing children wore. After the War in the post-War era, a kind of pan-European fashion developed.


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Created: 9:15 PM 12/12/2021
Last updated: 9:15 PM 12/12/2021