*** children's home houses

The Home: Houses

home houses
Figure 1.--Here we see two small children on the porch of a medium sized hime. he photograph was tajken in 1914 and the home guven the he size of the saplings by the sidewalk looks to be a year or two old. The photograph was taken in uper New York state near Niagara Falls area. The porch was an imprtantb part of the hoome during this era. This only changed with the adventb if air conditioning after World War II.

A younger child's activities are mostly associated with the home, both inside in the various rooms and outside in the yard surrounding the home. Only as they got older and acquired more freedom did theie world widen to places beyond the home, at first school and than other places. Hetre there were gebnder differences. Boys in all cultures were allowed more freedom than boys. Here there were major differences from country to country. Home archetecture is often very helpful in identifying the location of photographs, in part because homes were often as destinctive as fashion, sometimes more so. Thus the combination of architecture, fashion, and ethnicity help us to identify the country with images with no provinance. at least for the larger countries. Smaller cuntries often do not have sharply destictive architecture just as fashions for small cuntries are not as destinctive. Of course there are aklso social class diiferences and the homes tell us a great deal about the families. This did not make much difference when photography was confined to the studio. With the advent of the snapshot (1900), this changed dramatically. Suddenly, photography was possible wherever people went. And thus the homes convey a great deal about the children and their fmilies. Home styles usually do not change as rapidly as fashion and persist longer. They do of course change over times along with living styles so there are also chronological differences.


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Created: 12:29 AM 8/31/2023
Last updated: 12:29 AM 8/31/2023