Family Pets

Figure 1.--Here we see a lovely if rather sentimental rendering of a boy and his dog. I'm not sure who the illustrator was.

Pets have been enjoyed by the entire family. People have kept pets since ancient times. An the practice must have originated before civilization itself. The dog was the first animal to be domesticated and the process may have been initiated by the animal who found scraps to be had around human camp sites. Many families today afford their pets an important place in family. This is a practice that began, at least in Europe, during Victorian times. Until the 19th century it was only aristocrats and other walthy individuals who could affird to keep pets. With the increase in wealth as a result of the Industrial Revolution, many families could afford small luxuries earlier beyond the sabolity of the average person. It is at this time that many smaller dogs were bred for the expressed purpose of serving as pets in urban homes. Disgracefully some families treat their pets terribly. But most families take great care with their pets. People loved having photographs of their children made. The children often wanted the family pet in the portrait. This was a little complicated when the portarits were taken in the photographic studio. This changed with Kodak Browine made it possible for the averahe person to easily take snapshots. rendering family pets. Here it is usually dogs that are depicted. In terms of children, there were two different types of family pets. The first type was a pet bought after the children had arrived when they began asking for a pet. Often the pets were bought to help teach the child responsibility. The second type was a pet that already was part of the family when the child arrived. Dogs often accept the child as a new member of tghe pact and become very protective.

Pet History

Pets have been enjoyed by the entire family. People have kept pets since ancient times. An the practice must have originated before civilization itself. The dog was the first animal to be domesticated and the process may have been initiated by the animal who found scraps to be had around human camp sites. Many families today afford their pets an important place in family. This is a practice that began, at least in Europe, during Victorian times. Until the 19th century it was only aristocrats and other walthy individuals who could affird to keep pets. With the increase in wealth as a result of the Industrial Revolution, many families could afford small luxuries earlier beyond the sabolity of the average person. It is at this time that many smaller dogs were bred for the expressed purpose of serving as pets in urban homes.


Disgracefully some families treat their pets terribly. But most families take great care with their pets.


People loved having photographs of their children made. The children often wanted the family pet in the portrait. This was a little complicated when the portarits were taken in the photographic studio. This changed with Kodak Browine made it possible for the averahe person to easily take snapshots. We thus begin to see images like the Shaefer family pets. We also note many drawings, often rather sentimentally done, rendering family pets. Here it is usually dogs that are depicted.

Most American children have had the pleasure of enjoying family pets as children. The relationship between a boy and a dog are part of iconography of boyhood in America and many other countries. Here there are cultural differences. People in the Muslim world, in part because of Koranic verses tend to view dogs as unclean. Dogs in China and other Asian countries are a food item. The custom of children enjoying dogs and cats as oets, however, is deeply developed in the West. Some people acuired pets either as individuals or as childless couples. Very commonly people with children also acquired pers. In terms of children, there were two different types of family pets. The first type was a pet bought after the children had arrived when they began asking for a pet. Often the pets were bought to help teach the child responsibility. The second type was a pet that already was part of the family when the child arrived. Dogs often accept the child as a new member of tghe pact and become very protective.


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Created: 3:29 AM 3/12/2005
Last updated: 2:04 AM 10/31/2008