Dinu Lipatti the famed classical pianist was born in Bucharest (1917). His parents were wealthy and talented musically. His father studied violin under Sarasate. His mother was a competent pianist and taught piano. Dinu showed an interest in music from the beginning. He played piano at a very early age. He made his public debut and pianist and composer when he was only 4 years old. His parents decided not exploiting Dinu commercially. He studied at the Bucharest Conservatoire. professors from the university would come to his home to give him private lessons. He was not a healty child and his parents decided it unwise for him to attend a formal school with other boys. We note a portrait of him as a boy of about 8 years of age was probably taken in Bucharest about 1925. He is wearing a sailor suit woth lace trim with black long stockings. Selected pupils at the Conservatoire gave a concert at the Bucharest Opera. Dinu was 13-year old and performed the Grieg Piano Concerto in A minor. He received an enthusiastic ovation (1930). Dinu left Bucharest at age 17 to begin his musical career. He was an international concert star, and his recordings are very famous. He unfortunately died of leucemia at the age of 33 (1950).
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