German Boys' Clothes for Park Outings: Chronology--The 1950s

Figure 1--Here we see a German family enjoying a nrewly constructed area in a park, probanly in 1959. Presumably father took the photograph.

We note new construfction in German parks in the 1950s. The Allied strategic bombing campaign targetted the major cities where the country's industry was located. Thus many parks were destroyed and the cities reduced to rubbel. We have few details but suspect that the parks were repaired and restored during the late-1940s and early 50s. Presumably the parks would have been one facility that most cities would have wanted to get back to normal as soon as possible to provide a pleasnt recreational area. And they would have been realytively easy to repair, although the treesa nd gardens woyld take some time ti get back to normal. We do not know if any major new parks were constructed. There surely would have been areas art the time that could have been easily cleared as such large areas in most ciies were left just piles of rubbel. Available images suggest that German parks continied to be rathervformal places for strolls through gardems and trees with few dedicated play areas for children. Perhaps there wee special parks for children, but we do not yet have details about this.


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Created: 4:27 AM 8/2/2008
Last updated: 4:27 AM 8/2/2008