Boys' Clothing for Zoo Visits: Countries--Russia

Figure 1.--This Moscow boy is looking at a White-tailed Eagle. 'Haliaetus Albicilla l' sur la photographie se voit la carte geographique montrant les régions ou se trouvent cet espece d'oiseau. Ce systeme de cartes et de tables est admis seulement a l'U.R.S.S. The photograph is undated, but we would guess the late-1920s or early-30s.

We know very little about Russian zoos. We know that Moscow had a zoo, but we do not know about other cities. Nor do we know much about the quality of Russian zoos. Russian zoos before World War II look similar to western zoos. Of course there are limitatioins maintaining tropical species such as popular african species at cold northern latitudes. The Russians, however, have a lot of interesting speies such as Siberian tigers and snow leopards. Many American and European zoos in recent years have made huge changes in zoo displays, creasting natualistic enclosures as well as done important work in breeding to help preserve endangered species.. We are not sure if Russian zoos have done the same. Financing may be a problem in modern Russia. We note Russian children all bundled up visiting their zoos in cold weather.


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Created: 6:37 AM 2/20/2005
Last updated: 6:37 AM 2/20/2005