A variety of companies began to offer formula for mothers as an alternative to breast feeding. We are not sure when this began, but we note advertisements in the 1860s. One of these compnies was Mellin's Food. leading brand of infant milk formula. . We first notice Mellin ads in the 1880s and see them into the 1920s. Mellin's food jars have become collector items. Here we note a Mellin's Foods magazine ad, altyhough we do not know the name of the magazine in which it appeared. It shows a photograph of Julius Rose as an example of a baby raised on Mellin's Food. The ad copy read, "Julius Rose: This little son of Joseph M. Rose of Roxbury, Mass. has been raised entirely on Mellin's Food. He is now a sturdy, happy, and healthy boy, the result of having been fed a proper and nourishing food during all his babyhood days. Would you like a sample of Mellin's Food to try for ypur baby? You can have one free for the asking. Melin's Food Company, Bostion, Mass." Julius has long ringlet curls and is dressed in a tunic suit. It looks to be a corduroy tunic, but we are not positive.
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