Illustrators: Maria L. Kirk (American, 1900s-20s)

Figure 1.--Maria Kirk illustrated the book "Mopsa the Fairy" by Jean Ingelow in 1910. Click on the image to see an illustration from the book.

Maria L. Kirk is another woman illustrator from the early 20th century. She did some lovely book illustrations, but we know very little about her at this time. One of her best know commission was an edition of Alice and Wonderland (1904-07). Kirk is one of the hundereds of artists which have illustrated Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass since the late 19th century. Notably Alice in the Kirk drawings wears a gold and not a blue dress. We also note some lovely illustrations for Mopsa the Fairy (1910). A HBC reader tells us that she also did some wonderful illustrations for Pinocchio that published in 1920.


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Created: September 12, 2002
Last updated: April 23, 2003