Artists Illustrating Boys' Fashions: Joseph Badger (United States, c1707-1765)

Figure 1.--Joseph Badger painted this portrait of James Badger was painted about 1760. We are not sure if the boy is the artists son or more likely a grandson. He wears a low-cut dress with front buttons and an open skirt showing pantalettes made in the same material. Click on the image to see another painting with the same dress, but a different boy.

Joseph Badger was an important portrait artist in colonial Boston, Massachusetts. He is kniown to have painted at least 80 portraits of colonial Massachusetts notables (merchants, businessmen, clergy, and others) and their wives and children. Joseph was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts near Boston (about 1707). His father was tailor Stephen Badger. His mother was Mercy Kettell. Badger married Katharine Felch (1731). They moved to Boston (1733). The family joined the Brattle Street Church. He began working as a house-painter and glazier and when portrait commissions were not to be had continued painting houses. In addition to his portraits, he painted signs, hatchments and other heraldic devices. Badger is important not only for his wonderful, if naive, portraits of Massachusetts notables and their family, but for the record of popular fashion, including a few children. We notice a portrait of James Basdger, presumably his son or perhaps even a grandson. Badger reportedly influenced the youthful John Singleton Copley who would taken American portrature out of the naive tradition.


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Created: 6:59 AM 7/12/2010
Last updated: 6:59 AM 7/12/2010