*** artists illustrating boys fashions: nationalities-- Finland

Finnish Artists Illustrating Boys' Fashions

Fifure 1.--This is a portrait of Erik, Eero Nikolai Järnefelt's son. It was painted while traveling in Italy in 1897. It demonstrates why the artist was in such demand as a portratist. Järnefelt is today the country's most aclaimed artist.

We do not know much about Finnish art history and artists yet. We have virtualy no informationa about Finish artists at this time. Finland until World War I and the Russian Revolution was part of Tsasrist Russia. The only artist that we have identified so far is Karl Emanuel Jansson. Hopefully our Finish readers will provide us more information about Finnish artists.

Albert Edelfelt (1854-1905)

The most famous Finnish 19th-century painter was Albert Edelfelt. He brought attention to Finland because of his work. He was a so-called "academic" painter, going in for figural paintings in a fairly realistic and highly polished style. He had connections with France and was awarded the French Legion of Honor. A portrait by Edelfelt of Louis Pasteur (1885) hangs in the Musee d'Orsay in Paris. After being educated at the University of Helsinki, he went to Paris and studied painting at the Ecole des Beaux Arts. He was influenced by Manet and the impressionists to some extent. Edelfelt is known for his naturalistic style and is therefore an important source of information about historical costume. He was fond of painting children in various family and holiday settings. Edelfelt was the first Finnish artist to achieve international acclaim and was an important representative of Finnish culture abroad. His work became especially well known at the Paris Exposition in 1900.

Karl Emanuel Jansson (1846-74)

We have noted one artist Karl Emanuel Jansson (1846-74), but we know almost nothing about him. We note one of his paintings was "Sailor Boy II" which was done in 1866. This was when the sailor suit as a outfit for boys was just beginning to become popular. The boy does not wear a sailor suit, but apparently his hat was considered a sailor style. It looks to be a kind of large tam with ared pom. We note that French sailors wore these red poms. I'm not sure about Russian sailors at the time. Finland at the time was part of the Russian Empire.

Eero Järnefel (1863-1937)

Erik/Eero Nikolai Järnefelt was a Finnish painter and art professor. He is best known for his portraits and landscapes of the area around Koli National Park. He became essentially the national painter of Finland as so many imprtant people wanted him to paint their poereaits. He also did landscapes, focusing on the area around Koli National Park in central Finland,m a beautiful forested area. His most famous painting is 'Under the Yoke' (Burning the Brushwood). It was first named in words from the 'Kalevala'-- a 19th-century epic poem. It was composed by Elias Lönnrot from Karelian and Finnish oral folklore and mythology. It became the national epic of Karelia and Finland and is seen as one of the most significant works of Finnish literature. Järnefel painted rge secene in Lapinlahti, Northern Savo. He spent summer 1893 at the Rannan Puurula farmhouse. The tradition of burn-beating was still practiced in the area. This is slash and burn farming practiced in ares with soil of limited fertility. the artist did the painting from sketches he drew.


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Created: August 17, 2003
Last updated: 12:19 PM 4/20/2020