American Boys Clothes during the 1890s: Arthur Krock (1886-1974)

Arthur Krock was a renowed American jurnalist. He was born in Glasgow, Kentucky in 1886. This was a bad year for Americn boys. Coming 1 year after the appearnce of Little Lord Fauntleroy suits, he crew up wearing both kilt suits and Fauntleroy suits. He also faced the problem that his mother adored ringlet curls. He went on to attend Princeton and take up reporting in Louisville and Washington. He was hired by the New York Times in 1927, becoming their Washington correspondent in 1932. Krock's controversial columns were thoughtful and generally conservative. He won four Pulitzer awards.


Arthur was born in Glasgow, Kentucky in 1886.


1886 was a bad year for Americn boys. Coming 1 year after the appearnce of Little Lord Fauntleroy suits, he crew up wearing both kilt suits and Fauntleroy suits. He also faced the problem that his mother adored ringlet curls. He tells the story in his own wirds.

Kilt suit

One of the real agonies of my childhood concerned clothes. The boy of fashion was dressed in kilts of a plaid that had some real or imaginary relationship to one's family. Mine reflected the fact that my grandfather (first wife) and uncles had married girls of the Anglo-Celtic pioneer families of that area. At any rate, kilts it was for me, with long black stockings. In this outfit I circulated until I was about six years old. I recall, in my kilted period, making a stick=horse from a long broom handle topped by a horse's head. You put the stick-horse between your legs and galloped around the Square. A great friend of mine, Frank McQuown, and I did this at least once a day.

Fauntleroy suit

After I graduated to short pants I was obliged to wear what was called the Little Lord Fauntleroy costume, the most hateful and poisonous habiliment ever forced on a child. My mother outfitted me like the rest of the boys my age, with Fauntleroy's tight velvet pants, his velvet coat with a huge lace Eton collar, strong, sturdy black shoes, and a frilled shirt. After emerging from the kilt era, I retained only the thick long black stockings.

Golden Curls

I hated this costume, and, hoping to win a concession, I insisted that my curls, which I still wore at the age of six (they were red-gold, mirabile dictu!), be sheared as the price for appearing in public as an ersatz Little Lord Fauntleroy. My mother refused the concession, but an uncle took pity on me. One day, without notifying my mother, he took me to the barbershop and ordered my curls cut off. But I was still obliged to wear the ghastly plumage for another couple of years.


Krock went on to attend Princeton and take up reporting in Louisville and Washington. He was hired by the New York Times in 1927, becoming their Washington correspondent in 1932. Krock's controversial columns were thoughtful and generally conservative and believed strongly in the sanctity of private prperty. He held the post of principal political writer and analyst of the Times for a generation (1932 - 66). Krock was renowned for his analysis of American political life. He won four Pulitzer awards.


Krock, Arthur, Memoirs: Sixty Years on the Firing Line, 1968.


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Created: August 22, 2001
Last updated: December 15, 2001