*** Ray Chochrane 1912

American Scottish outfit

Figure 1.--This postcard portrait is a little unusual. The portrait shows Ray Cochrane in a Scttish get up. He was apparently from Polk County Minnesota. We believe he was born in 1904. We would guess he was about 8 years old. What is unusual is that he is not wearing a kilt suit or a proper Highland outfit. He looks to be wearing a Glengary cap, but with a blouse and no jacket. He has a kilt or plaid skirt, we can't make out much detail. He also has a plaid or over the shoulder material. He does not, however, have kneesocks, but rather dark long stockings.

Ray Cochrane (United States, about 1912)

This postcard portrait is a little unusual. The portrait shows Ray Cochrane in a Scttish get up. He was apparently from Polk County Minnesota. We believe he was born in 1904. We would guess he was about 8 years old. What is unusual is that he is not wearing a kilt suit or a proper Highland outfit. He looks to be wearing a Glengary cap, but with a blouse and no jacket. He has a kilt or plaid skirt, we can't make out much detail. He also has a plaid or over the shoulder material. He does not, however, have kneesocks, but rather dark long stockings. While se see boys wearing kilt suits with long stockings, we almost never see boys wearing long stockings with other kilt outfits. We do not know, but this seems an outfit that might be worn for some kind of Scottish ethnic event. This would make sense as Cochrane is a Scottish family name.


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Created: 1:23 AM 3/12/2008
Last edited: 1:23 AM 3/12/2008