*** Cook boys 1880s

boy dresses

Figure 1.-- This cabinet portrait shows the three Cook boys photographed by Fowler in Haverhill, Massachusettes. The children are not named, but are identified on the back as "3 sons of Alice Mitchell Cook & Joseph Cook". The two younger boys wear dresses. The older boy wears a kneepants suit. They look to be about 6 years old. The middle boy looks to be about 3-4 years old. It is a little difficult to make out detaild. The two boys in dresses seen to have large white collars. The boy in the dark dress has pleating in the bodice front. The older boy wears a suit with Norfolk influences with an Eton collar and small bow. The portrait is undated, but looks like the mid-1880s to us. All three boys have short hair. In front is the family pooch. You can be sure that the four had a good time together.

Cook Boys (United States, 1880s?)

This cabinet portrait shows the three Cook boys photographed by Fowler in Haverhill, Massachusettes. We believe these children are relatives of Eben Mitchell, a prominent Haverhill businessman, who founded and was president of the Haverhill Hat Co. The children are not named, but are identified on the back as "3 sons of Alice Mitchell Cook & Joseph Cook". The two younger boys wear dresses. The older boy wears a kneepants suit. They look to be about -6 years old. The middle boy looks to be about 3-4 years old. It is a little difficult to make out detaild. The two boys in dresses seen to have large white collars. The boy in the dark dress has pleating in the bodice front. The older boy wears a suit with Norfolk influences with an Eton collar and small bow. The portrait is undated, but looks like the mid-1880s to us. The size of the bow is one reason we suspect it was nit the late-80s or 90sd, although there is no way to be sure. All three boys have short hair. In front is the family pooch. You can be sure that the four had a good time together.


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Created: 3:45 AM 2/26/2010
Last edited: 3:45 AM 2/26/2010