Harold Howe: Sailor Cap (United States, 1905)

Figure 1.-- Harold in 1905 wears his curls and tunic suit with a sailor cap. It looks to be blue. There was probably a streamer, but we can't see it. His hair is done in rather thick ringlets which are a littkle dfficult to see. The ringlets are not very long and doi not fall to his shoulders.

Harold in 1905 wears his curls and tunic suit with a sailor cap. It looks to be blue. I'm not sure how that would have coordinated wth his tunic suit. There was probably a streamer, but we can't see it. His hair is done in rather thick ringlets which are a littkle dfficult to see. The ringlets are not very long and do not fall to his shoulders.


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Created: 10:20 PM 9/7/2007
Last updated: 10:20 PM 9/7/2007