
Peet Marris
Figure 1.--This photo back post card shows Peet Marris, probably about 1920. He does not look all thst hsppy about having his photograph taken. His proper name was probably Peter Marris. He looks to be about 5 years old. Peet wears a traditionally styled long pants sailor suit. We are not sure about the color. This type of peaked cap was not a common style, but we have noted a few boys wearing it. He is riding a tricycle. The AZO stamp box (four squares) along with rthe clothing and trike suggest the snapshot was taken in the mid- or late-1920s.

Peet Marris (United States, about 1925-30)

This photo back post card shows Peet Marris, probably about 1920. His proper name was probably Peter Marris. He looks to be about 5 years old. Peet wears a traditionally styled long pants sailor suit. We are not sure about the color. This type of peaked cap was not a common style, but we have noted a few boys wearing it. We are unsure about the proper name. We might call it an Oliver Twist cap. Oliver Twist suits were popular un the 1920s. Peet is riding a tricycle. The AZO stamp box (four squares) along with rthe clothing and trike suggest the snapshot was taken in the mid- or late-1920s.


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Created: 1:10 AM 12/5/2009
Last edited: 1:10 AM 12/5/2009