Figure 1.--This cabinet card portrait shows two boys with their swords and the American Flag. They are identifed as Jerome and Achille Marx. The boys wear open jackets with Fauntleroy blouses and different colored floppy bows. Besides the colored bows, the onlt difference is their caps. The older boy wears a saucer styled cap. His younger brother a yatching-style caps. The boys wear long pants because this was considered a sailor style. At the time American boys this age mostly wore knee pants. The studio was Lainer Johnson, 31 Third St. W are not sure about the city. The portrait is not dated, but is was a new-styled mount, so along with the outfits and flag, we would guess the early 1900s, perhaops for the 4th of July.

Jerome and Achille Marx (United States, 1900s)

This cabinet card portrait shows two boys with their swords and the American Flag. They are identifed as Jerome and Achille Marx. They look to be about 7-9 years old. The boys wear open jackets with Fauntleroy blouses and different colored floppy bows. Besides the colored bows, the onlt difference is their caps. The older boy wears a saucer styled cap. His younger brother a yatching-style caps. The boys wear long pants because this was considered a sailor style. At the time American boys this age mostly wore knee pants. The studio was Lainer Johnson, 31 Third St. We are not sure about the city. The portrait is not dated, but is was a new-styled mount, so along with the outfits and flag, we would guess the early-1900s. Boys at the time this age normally wore knee pants, but long pants were often worn with sailor outfits.


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Created: 8:42 AM 6/26/2011
Last edited: 10:21 PM 6/27/2011