Figure 1.--Here we see a 7 year old boy wearing a classic sailor suit in 1923. He wears a summer short pants sailor suit. The collar has the classic three-stripe detailing, The stripe detailing is repeated on the sleeve cuffs. The sleeves have a petty-officer rank badge. We see that a lot on American sailor suits after World War I. We are not sure what color the suit was. Light blue is possible, but unlike the dark suits, blue was not as dominant for summer suits. These light-colored summer suits were made in various colors, such as brown and grey. They were worn as both dress-up and play suits. He also wears white knee socks with a narrow cuff and oxford low-cut shoes.

E. McKenzie (United States, 1923)

Here we see a 7 year old boy wearing a classic sailor suit in 1923. The boy is identified, but the writing is difficult to make out, but we think it must be E. McKenzie. The Mc, at least we think it is an Mc, usually means an Irish or Scottish name. McKenzie was a Scottish name. The boy lived in Brooklyn, New York. He wears a summer short pants sailor suit. The collar has the classic three-stripe detailing, The stripe detailing is repeated on the sleeve cuffs. The sleeves have a petty-officer rank badge. We see that a lot on American sailor suits after World War I. We are not sure what color the suit was. Light blue is possible, but unlike the dark suits, blue was not as dominant for summer suits. These light-colored summer suits were made in various colors, such as brown and grey. They were worn as both dress-up and play suits. He also wears white knee socks with a narrow cuff and oxford low-cut shoes.


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Created: 3:56 AM 12/25/2011
Last edited: 3:57 AM 12/25/2011