Figure 1.-- Eugene here wears a fancy Fauntleroy blouse with a relatively small floppy bow. He wears the blouse with light-colored knee pants and long stockings. There may have been a jacket to go with the pants. At the time it was common for boys to wear fancy blouses without jackets. This was particularly common in the South. The pants may have been purchased without a jacket, but we are unsure how common that was. Of course in South Carolina it was quite warm during the summer. Notice his rather large cap which matches the pants. This looks more like a sailor cap than a tam. We do not notice streamers.

Eugene Watson Milford (United States, about 1900-05)

This cabinet card portrait shows an American boy, Eugene Watson Milford. He looks to be about 5-6 years old. He has neatly written his name on the back of the card which may mean that he was 6 years old. The portrait is undated, but the mount style and clothing suggests it was taken about 1900-05. Mount styles began to change in the late-1890s, thus helping to date these old portraits. We do know that the boy was from Anderson, South Carolins. The studio was J.H. Collins in Anderson. The card was enscribed, 'extra finish'. We do not know what that meant. Eugene wears a fancy Fauntleroy blouse with a relatively small floppy bow. He wears the blouse with light-colored knee pants and long stockings. There may have been a jacket to go with the pants. At the time it was common for boys to wear fancy blouses without jackets. This was particularly common in the South. The pants may have been purchased without a jacket, but we are unsure how common that was. Of course in South Carolina it was quite warm during the summer. Notice his rather large cap which matches the pants. This looks more like a sailor cap than a tam. We do not notice streamers.


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Created: 2:43 AM 9/8/2011
Last edited: 2:43 AM 9/8/2011