*** Rollie Mitchell

Rollie Mitchell
Figure 1.--We note a CDV portrait of Rollie Mitchell. He looks to be about 7 years old. The portrait was taken by Monfort & Hill in Burlington, Iowa. Rollie wears a cut-away jacket with piping around the edges. The jacket has a amall collar . Note the tab attachment at the collar. He has a matching vest and knee pants. Notice the small ruffled collar. We are not entirely sure about the shirt or blouse to which it was attached. He wears white long stockings which is one reason we do not think the portrait was taken in the 1880s-90s.

Rollie Mitchell (United States, about 1870)

We note a CDV portrait of Rollie Mitchell. He looks to be about 7 years old. The portrait was taken by Monfort & Hill in Burlington, Iowa. Rollie wears a cut-away jacket with piping around the edges. The jacket had amall collar. Note the tab attachment at the collar. He has a matching vest and knee pants. Notice the small ruffled collar. I am not entirely sure about the shirt or vlouse to which it was attached. He wears white long stockings which is one reason we do not think the portrait was taken in the 1880s-90s.


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Created: 1:45 AM 6/8/2009
Last edited: 1:45 AM 6/8/2009