Figure 1.-- These two little American boys wear wide-brimmed hats and matching white tunic suits which they are wearing with white long stockings. They are posing with their loyal hunting dog in the garden. The outdoor setting, clothing styles, and paper fram tells us that the portrait was taken in the early 20th century, probably about 1905. The boys look to be about 2-4 or perhaps 5 years old.

William, Albert, and Wiser Mitchell (United States, about 1905)

These two little Amerucan boys wear wide-brimmed hats and matching white tunic suits andcmatching bloomer knickers. As was common, the tunic suits have dark ornamental belts. They both wear with white long stockings. Notice their coats. I am not sure what color they may have been. They are posing with their loyal hunting dog in the garden. The outdoor setting, clothing styles, and paper fram tells us that the portrait was taken in the early 20th century, probably about 1905. The oval portrait is mounted on a 7-1/2 x 6 inch sturdy matte. The portrait was taken by the J. G. Stenger Studio. inscription on the back is a bit confusing--William Pevy is the son of Goldo Mitchell. Albert Henry Steigler is the son of Mary Mitchell". Surely the boys' last names are Mitchell. They look to be about 2-4 or perhaps 5 years old. The dog's name is Wiser Mitchell.


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Created: 5:12 AM 3/2/2008
Last edited: 8:18 PM 3/2/2008