Figure 1.--We note a wire service photograph of Alexander Morris marching with the Grenadier Guards in 1962. He wears a grey short pants suit with pattern top knee socks. These knee socks suggest that the suit was not a school uniform and he is not wearing a school cap. The June 2, 1962 wire service caption reads, "Boyish endeavior: Nine-year-old Alexander Morris of Bootle, England, tries to match the style of a 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guard during chsngiong of the guard at Buckingham Palace in London yesterday. The youngster said of the army which he 'joined' as a temporary recruit: 'It's smashing. I really want to jopin the Guards when I'm old enough.' The four-foot-tall Alexander is visiting the Gusrds as a gimmick for a recruiting campaign."

Alexander Morris (England, 1962)

We note a wire service photograph of Alexander Morris marching with the Grenadier Guards in 1962. He wears a grey short pants suit with pattern top knee socks. These knee socks suggest that the suit was not a school uniform and he is not wearing a school cap. The June 2, 1962 wire service caption reads, "Boyish endeavior: Nine-year-old Alexander Morris of Bootle, England, tries to match the style of a 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guard during chsngiong of the guard at Buckingham Palace in London yesterday. The youngster said of the army which he 'joined' as a temporary recruit: 'It's smashing. I really want to jopin the Guards when I'm old enough.' The four-foot-tall Alexander is visiting the Gusrds as a gimmick for a recruiting campaign."


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Created: 7:32 AM 10/2/2010
Last edited: 7:33 AM 10/2/2010