*** English boy Tom Morris

Figure 1.--The boy here is Tom Morris. We believe he is an altar boy rather than a chorister. The cabinent card portrait was made by Hellis & Son. This was a concern with stdios located throughout London. So we know Tom was from London, but we do not know where. Tom was born in 1886 and was 12 years old when the portrait was taken in 1899.

English Boy: Tom Morris (England, 1899)

The here is Tom Morris. We thought he mifgt be a teenager, but is just ayear shy. We believe that he is probably an altar boy rather than a chorister. He could be Catholic, but is probably an Anglican Church iof England. The cabinent card portrait was made by Hellis & Son. This was a concern with studios located throughout London. So we know Tom was from London, but we do not know just where. Tom was born in 1886 and was 12 years old when the portrait was taken in 1899.


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Created: 10:50 PM 4/30/2008
Last edited: 10:50 PM 4/30/2008