** Louis Mortimer Sara Mignon

Figure 1.--Here we have a old style cabinet card portrait. The children are beautifully posed with connections betwwen them. Louis wears a belted sailor tunic with an anchor dickie, knickers, long black stockings, and high-top shoes. It seems to have double-breasted styling. His sister has a voluminous dress with what looks like a ribbon waist. The children were photographed at the Fordtran Studios. This may be in Chicago.

American Children: Louis Mortimer and Sara Mignon (United States, 1908)

Here we have a old style cabinet card portrait. The children are beautifully posed with connections betwwen them. The card is a light color, but the plain back is done in that olive green color so common in the early-20th century. These children are identified as Louis Mortimer at the age of 7 years and presumably his sister, Sara Mignon, aged almost 3 years. We are unsure why Sara has a dfferent last name. Perhaps Mignon was a middle name. The photogrph is dated March 1908. This info is written on the reverse of the card. There is also some text we cannot make out. You can click here if you want to try to make it out. Louis wears a belted sailor tunic with an anchor dickie, knickers, long black stockings, and high-top shoes. It seems to have double-breasted styling. His sister has a voluminous dress with what looks like a ribbon waist. The children were photographed at the Fordtran Studios. This may be in Chicago.


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Created: 11:43 PM 8/31/2021
Last edited: 11:43 PM 8/31/2021