We have a portrait of Loyola Rivard, taken in 1909 when he was about 11 years old. We know the family was Catholic. He was dressed for his first communion at St. Clement's Church in the Detroit area. Note the first communion candle, little book, and rosary. We at first thought the book was a hymnal, but hve found that missals were often given for first communiom. A reader tells us, "I don't think the book is a hymnal (too small), and besides Catholic boys didn't carry hymnals. Hymns weren't used very much in the Catholic church by the laity until after the revision of the liturgy in the reign of Pope John XXIII (Vatican II) when the Mass changed from Latin to English. They carried small prayer books including the rosary, the angelus, the our father, and perhaps the outline of the Mass. Missals tend to be larger books with the propers for various parts of the liturgical season that go with the Mass. The boy in the photo has a very small prayer book, I think, not a missal." Loyola is older than the current age most children do first communion. Here Loyola is wearing a double-breasted suit with we think knickers, although it is a little difficult to tell. As was common at the time, he also wears black long stockings. We have another portrait showing the whole Rivard family in 1912. They were a farm family.
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