*** Philip Saltmarshe

Philip Saltmarshe
Figure 1.-- This albumen photograph came from a family albumen. The wide sleeves help to date the portrait to the 1850s. The sitter's name is Philip Saltmarshe and his age is given as 6 years old. Philip wears a very fashionable kilt suit. There was a boy of this age living in Saltmarshe Hall in Yorkshire around 1859. We are not sure this is our Philip, but it is likely--Saltmarshe is not a common name.

Philip Saltmarshe (England, 1853-1941)

This albumen photograph came from a family albumen. It was not a CDV, but photograph 4.25 inches (108 mm) x 4.75 inches (120 mm). This was rare in America, but apparently more common in England. The wide sleeves help to date the portrait to the 1850s. His over-the-ears hair stye is also consistent with the 1850s. The sitter's name is Philip Saltmarshe and his age is given as 6 years old. Philip wears a very fashionable vested kilt suit. He has what looks like a crocheted lace collar. He also has long stockings and high-top shoes. There was a boy of this age living in Saltmarshe Hall in Yorkshire around 1859. We are not sure this is our Philip, but it is likely--Saltmarshe is not a common name. The Philip Satmarshe at Salmarshe Hall went on to become a Colonel in the British Army. Saltmarshe Hall is a grade II listed 19th-century country house in Saltmarshe, East Riding, Yorkshire. It is located on the north bank of the River Ouse. It stands in 17 acres of gardens, meaning a wealth family. Looking at Philip and his smart outfit we would guess that he came from a wealthy or at least well-to-do family. The home was constructed of brick faced with ashlar with Welsh slate roofs. The Saltmarshe estate has belonged to the Saltmarshe family since the Norman Conquest. The present house was built (1825-28 by Prichett and Watson (James Pigott Pritchett and Charles Watson) for Philip Saltmarshe at a cost of £ 4,000. Stables were added in 1842. It descended to Colonel Phillip Saltmarshe (1853-1941), who joined the Royal Horse Artillery and fought in the Afghan and Boer Wars. He was also a J.P. and Deputy Lieutenant.


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Created: 8:39 AM 12/26/2016
Last edited: 8:39 AM 12/26/2016