Islamic Attacks on America: Obama Administration (2009-13)

Koran violence
Figure 1.--

Here we will list the imcidents od Islamic terrorism which occurred during the Obama Administration to assess how the policy of engamenent with the Muslim world. The most deadly incidents was Major Hassan. The mainstream media in America immediately went in to overdrive suggesting every possible cause of Major Hassan's actions--everything except Islam. Alan Chombs on Fox insisted that this was the action of one deranged individual and had nothing to do with Islam or terrorism. The suggestions include post-tramautic stress (Hasan had never been posted to a war zone), Army hazing (Hassan complained but he seems to have went out of his way to express his views), concern over fellow Muslims being killed (he seems unconcerned anout undividuals killed by fellow Muslims), insanity, ect. Chris Mathews on NBC went so far as to suggest that there was nothing wrong with Major Hassan contacting Al Quida. Relevations about Manjor Hasan contactging Al Quida came from the British press, not the American press bent on down playing the possible role of Islam. America has a long history of freedom of religion with various instances of religious intolerance. Of course it sould be unfair to suggest that any religion contributes to violence and terrirism if there is only one or a small number of attacks by the members of that faith. One has to ask, however, just how many incidents are needed and how many people are killed and mamed before the Obama Administration stops talking about "man made disasters" and admits that the problem is deeply rooted in Islam.

Arkansas Attacks (June 2009)

Carlos Leon Bledsoe converted to Islam in prison and changed his mame to Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad. He traveled to Yemen on a Somali passport. When he ewturned to America he proceeded to murder a soldier at a recruiting station and wounded a second soldier at a Little Rock, Arkandas Army recruiting booth. Many main-stream media outlets failed to report the incident. Obe commentator reported how National Public Radio (NPR) which is in part fubded by the Government handled the incident. Incredibly they declined to report the killer's obviously Muslim name and religion. He writes, "Why not tell people what is actually happening in the world? We saw this a couple of weeks ago, when the press only gingerly acknowledged that the malevolent though incompetent suspects in the synagogue bombing-conspiracy case in New York were converts to Islam. How is the public served by this kind of silence? The extremist Christian beliefs of George Tiller’s alleged murderer are certainly relevant to that case, and no one in my profession is hesitant to discuss them. Why the hesitancy to talk about the motivations of the man who allegedly killed Pvt. William Long?" [Goldberg]

Albanian Plans to Attack Fort Dix (July 2009)

U.S. authorities in North Carolina arrested a group od Albanian Muslims planning an attack on For Dix. Hysen Sherifi was a 24-year old Kosovo Albanian,indicted for providing material support to terrorism and conspiring to participate in violent jihad. Six others arrested were a U.S. citizens of Albanian origins. The Jihad ringleader was Daniel Patrick Boyd. He helped raise money to pay for Sherifi’s trip to Kosovo to engage in violent jihad. Boyd traveled to Israel in hopes of joining the Islamic Jihad against Jews (2007).

Northern Virginian Pakistani Jihadits (November 2009)

Five Northern Virginian men ages 18 to 24, traveled to Pakistan without telling their families. This resulted in an international search when their parents contacted the FBI. The men (Ramy Zamzam, 22; Ahmad A. Minni, 20; Umar Chaudhry, 24; Waqar Khan, 22; and Aman Hassan Yemer, 18) were found and arrested by Pakistani authorities near Lahore, Pakistan charged all five with terrorism. The police there say that the Americans were 'Here for jihad'. Pakistani authorities were searching for an insurgent operatibe who seems to have aided the five would be Jihadists to join al-Qaeda. Many Muslims insist that jihad is an "internal personal and spiritual struggle." Vases like this make it clear precisely what jihad is. The five had months of internet contact with Taliban operatives. This appears to be an example of terrorist recruiters scouring the Internet for radicalized young men. The interesting question is why their parents, iman, and school teachers had left vthe five vulnerable to recruitnent. In a letter home to his mother, Ramy Zamzam says that he was being tortured. Investigators identified a man named Saifullah, as the Palistani Taliban recruiter. Saifullah said he made contact on YouTube, exchanged coded e-mails with the group, invited them to Pakistan and guided them once they arrived. They failed to reach the remote tribal zone where al-Qaeda operates. The terrorist network's commanders apparently decided thst they were CIA plants. Sulfullah could not change their minds. The developments point to the dangers posed by an extensive and sophisticated network of online terrorist recruiters, but also its limitations.

Major Hassan (November 21, 2009)

The most deadly incident has been Major Nidal Hassan attack on unarmed American servicemen waiting for medical attention at Fort Hood. The mainstream media in America immediately went in to overdrive suggesting every possible cause of Major Hassan's actions--everything except Islam. Alan Chombs on Fox insisted that this was the action of "one deranged individual" and had nothing to do with Islam or terrorism. The suggestions include post-tramautic stress (Hassan had never been posted to a war zone), Army hazing (Hassan complained but he seems to have went out of his way to express his views), concern over fellow Muslims being killed (he seems unconcerned anout undividuals killed by fellow Muslims), insanity, ect. Chris Mathews on NBC went so far as to suggest that there was nothing wrong with Major Hassan contacting Al Quida. Relevations about Manjor Hassan contactging Al Quida came from the British press, not the American press bent on down playing the possible role of Islam. America has a long history of freedom of religion with various instances of religious intolerance.

Underwear Christmas Bomber (December 2009)

Time Square Bomber (May 2010)

Faisal Shahzad was born in Pakistan, but had lived abd studied in the United States. He became a U.S. citizen by marrying an Anerican Muslim. Shahzad traveled extensively back and forth to Pakistan. He traveled to the Peshawar region of Pakistan for a period of about five months furing 2009 before trying to set off a car bonb in Times Square (May 1). None of the details of the Time Square Bomber are particularly surprising. What is surprising is how the main-stream media reports on these incidents. MSNBC reporter Contessa Brewer appeared on the Stephanie Miller radio show (May 4). She actually expressed her “frustration” that the Times Square bomber was a Pakistani terrorist instead of a white person. When she learned if the incident, Brewer hoped that itvwould be another Tim McVeigh, hopefully coming from the Tea Party movement rather than an Islamic terrorist. Brewer explained, "there was part of me that was hoping this was not going to be anybody with ties to any kind of Islamic country.” Rather than discuss Islam ans why so many terrorists were Muslims. She exibit the standard liberal guilt syndrome and blame American first approach to journalism, explaining “I mean they [evil white Americans] use it as justification for really outdated bigotry.” The latest in a long series of Democrats attempting to avoid the obvious connection between Islam and terrorism was New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Just hours before U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced the arrest of Shahzad, Mayor Bloomberg, told CBS News anchor Katie Couric that the alleged attacker may have been trying to make a political statement. Couric asked the Mayor whether or not he thought the suspect was American, “a home-grown?”, Bloomberg incredibly responded, “Home-grown, maybe a mentally deranged person or somebody with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health care bill or something. It could be anything. There is no evidence here of a conspiracy, There is no evidence that it’s tied in to anything else. It looks like an amatuerish job, done by at least one person.” A few days later Attorney General Holder in testimony before Congress also refused to use identify Islamic terrorism as a factor in the incident.


Goldberg, Jeffrey, Atlantic.


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Created: 10:01 PM 5/19/2010
Last updated: 10:01 PM 5/19/2010