Native American Civilizations: The Wayana

Figure 1.--Here two Wayana Indian boys on the border of Surinam and French Guiana play with a Rubik's cube in 1983.

The Aparai and Wayana tribes are often grouped together. They themselves describe distinct origins. The Aparai live along the south bank of the Amazon River. Their origins lay in the area around the lower and middle courses of Amazon tributaries (Curuá, Maicuru, Jari and East Paru rivers). The Wayana have for an extended period lived around the upper and middle course of the East Paru River and its tributaries (the Citaré, the upper Jarí River along with the Litani, Paloemeu rivers and smaller tributaries). The Aparai and Wayana live in three territorial groups spread around the counjuncture of Brazil, French Guina, and Suriname. This is the northeastern Amazon Basin around the East Paru River (Brazil), the Marouni River (French Guiana), and the Tapanahoni River (Surinam). The Aparai live primarily in Brazilian, The Wayana live mostly in French Guiana and Suriname. While physically separated, there is still interactions between the three groups involving both kinship relations and trade.


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Created: 8:22 PM 6/14/2008
Last updated: 8:22 PM 6/14/2008