Australian Boys' Clothes: Chronology--The 1910s

Figure 1.--Australian boys in the early 1900s often wore suits with large Eton collars. This boy wears a kneepants suit.

Unfortunately at this time we have not developed a great deal of information on Australia. Austrlian boys fashions in the early 20th century wore quite similar clothes to English boys. Styles set in England were basically imported from the mother country. Australia became a nattion in 1901, now celebrated as Federation Day. Ties with the United Kingdom were still quite close and the dominance of English fashion, despite the quite different climate, is a good example of it. State schools at the time did not have uniforms. A younger boy migt have worn a sailor suit and cap--probably with kneepants and long above the knee stockings. Notfolk suits with Eton collars were common for oler boys, usually kneepants and knicker suits. They commonly wore peaked school caps. Short pants became increasingly common in the 1910s. One of the major differences was that going barefoot was more common in Austrlalia than in England. The actual cloting styles, however, would have been very similar. We believe tha clothing specialists would be hard put to deferentiate between Austrlian and English boys in the early 20th century based upon their cloting. Hopefully Australian readers can provide additional details on this.


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Crerated: March 18, 2001
Last updated: May 6, 2001