*** Australian boys clothes: garments -- tunics

Australian Boys' Garments: Tunic Suits--Chronolgy

Australian boys tunics

Figure 1.--Here we see the two older boy from the Mullane family in 1852. The Nulanes wre a prosperous Melboure family. They were about 8-11 years old. It is little difficult to make out the detils in the all black outfits, but the boys seem to be wearing identical tunic suits. The tunic is cut shrt, more like jacket length.

European boys wore tunics throughout the 19th century. Australia was a little different. There were very few English/European boys in ustralia during the early-19th century. Our first glimpse of tunics in Australia come from a well-to-do Melbiurne family at mid-century. We continue to see tunic suits after the turn-of-the 20th century. In fact the early-20th century may have been the most common period for tunic suits. We see different styles, but basically the same styles worn in England. The boy here wears a sailor tunic. We do not have enough Australian images to know what styles were popular in Australia, but assume they were the same as those popular in Eglnd. We note some boys wearing tunic suits at the turn-of-the century although we are not sure just how common they were, in part becaus of our limited archive.


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Crerated: 8:41 PM 11/25/2017
Last updated: 8:41 PM 11/25/2017