* Belgian boys activity clothes : play toy toys

Belgian Play Activities: Toys

Figure 1.--Here we see Belgian children with a great train set up during the Christmas holiday. They are clearly an affuent family. This is the royal family. The children are dressed up for the occassion. Princess Josephine-Charlotte wears a party dress. Prince Baodouin weas a white sailor suit. Prince Albert wears a blouse. Notice how Prince Baodouin the center of activity. Boys loved trains, girls not so much so.

Of course play is a major interest of children. It is what children like to do more than anything else. And there are many play activities. Some of the most important are toys, primarily for play in or around the home. Here we see a boy with a great toy bus. We do not yet have much information on the toys that Belgian children played with. We suspect that they were the same as French, Dutch, and German children played with, but we have very little information at this time. We see a Belgian boy, Prince Baodouin, playing with an electric train during Christmas (figure 1). This is a scene that could have been replicated in any of those countries of course with more humble surroundings.


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Created: 3:46 AM 5/5/2019
Last updated: 7:12 AM 7/13/2020