*** Belgian boys clothes: garments -- suits costumes belges de garçons tuxedo suits

Belgian Boys Suits: Tuxedo Suits

Belgian boys tuxedo suits
Figure 1.-- We notice a few images of Belgian boys wearing what might be called formal tuxedo suits with knickers or knee pants. This CDV portrait shows an unidentified Belgian boy wearing a tuxedo suit. The portrait was undated, but looks to have been taken about 1900. CDVs continued in Europe longer than in America. Notive the black long stockings and high-top button shoes. Also notice his too hat which dies nt seen as high as those worn by adults. The studio was Becker in Brussels.

We notice a few images of Belgian boys wearing what mightb be called formal tuxedo suits with knickers or knee pants. It was not one of the more common styles that Belgian boys wore. The images we have found look to come from the late-19th or early-20th century. They are worn with black long stockings. This was style that would have been worn for formal occassuions. We suspect it was a style worn by boys from fairly affluent damilies. These boys have had another suit for less formal occassions or for school.


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Created: 2:55 AM 1/22/2023
Last updated: 2:55 AM 1/22/2023