Canadian Hosiery Types: Knee Socks

Figure 1.--This snap shot is unidentified, but we velieve it is Canadian taken during the 1930s. The boy wears the bold patterened knee socks popular in the States during the 1930s.

HBC has first noted knee socks after the turn of the century. The popularity of the Scout movement undoubtedly helped to popularize kneesocks. They did not begin to be widely worn, however, until the 1920s. The knee socks worn in Canada, especially in the winter, appear to have been heavier than those worn in America or England, although our archive still is very limited. We notice Canadian boys commonly wearing knee socks during the 1920s with both short pants and knickers. We note some of the brightly colored patterned knee socks commonly worn in the States. Boys wore both long stockings and knee socks with both short pants and knickers. We do not yet have enough information to know which was more common. Seasonality may have neen a factor. Canada shared many of the same fashions as the States, but British fashions were also influential. We are still attempting to develop information on Canadian trends.


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Created: 6:23 AM 11/22/2009
Last updated: 6:24 AM 11/22/2009