We continue to see extended families with grand parents and maiden aunts along with good sized families. We also sorts of headwear including sailor styles. Peaked caps were also common. The 1880s was the beginning of the Fauntleroy era. Only a fraction of boys wore Fauntleroy suits which were less common in England than america, but more common than the continent. Even so we do see quite a few boys with outfits that had some Fauntleroy styling. Sailor suits were another importnt outfit, especually for school age boys, although the popularity declined afyer about 8 years of age. Many younger boys had velvet suits. Suits were standard for boys, often with Eton collars. We see shortened-length pants (knickers and knee pants) were becoming increasingly popular. Norfolk suits were popular. Hosiery varied, including both socks and long stockings. Black long stockings were common. This contrasts with America where almost all children wore long stockings.
This cabinet card shows the five Lloyd children in September 1880. They are: Hettie, Sophy, Helen, Eddie and Frank if we are eading the handwriting correctly. Nother may have isted the children by age. They may about 5-15 years old. The girls seem to be dressed very simiarly wih what look like plain front buttoning jacketed dresses and pleated skirts (we notice fifferences in the pleating) in different colors. The collar and wrist trim is also similar. The boys are the yoinget and dressed differently, although close in age. Both boys have Eton collars with small bowtie like bows. The yonger boy's jacket has what looks like a velvet suite with a decorative button front that has connecting tabs. The slightly older boy has what looks like a Norfolk suit with rather ide straight-leg kneepants. The girl at front wears strap shies. the boy has high-top shoes. ach of the girls have long hair done in waves. Both wear dark long stockings. The cbinent card has a blue rule. The photographer was Robert Faulkner in London. The studio information at the bottom does not inficate the location.
Here we see an a very substatial unidentified family which we believe to be English. All we know for sure is that the studio was in Barton and on the High Street. The problem is that there are many Bartons in America and Ebgand as well as a few in Australia and Canada. The canonet card only reads "Caninet Portrait" on the front which means that it is probanly not American. But the cincher is a stamo on the back which locates it on the High Street. This is the term in Englnd for Main Street. But as there are numerous Bartons in England we have o idea which one. Taking portraits outdoors was also much more common in England than America. While we are are fairly sure the portrait is English, we are less sure about the date. We think it was probably the early-80s n part becuse there are no Fauntleroy influences and the mother and older daughters do not have the puffed sholders we see with 1890s dresses. The 1890s is, however, possible. There are nine children, four boys and five girls. The younger girls wear the same plain dresses with lce collars. Theree boys wear collar-buttonong jackets with small collars, one reson we believe it was taken in the early-80s and not the 90s. The black long stockings we think makes the 1870s less likely. The youngest boy wearng a fancy dress with a ruffled collar.
A HBC reader tells us, "I have been reading Ellen Shearer's writing about her childhood at Turton Tower Bolton Lancashire between 1895 and 1903. Here is a family portrait. The people in the photographare: back row father holding Ellen; middle row nurse Dean and Trissie, mother and Aunt Lizzie; and front row William with Nurse and Florrie. The photograph was taken at Llandudno, Wales in 1885. They were on vacation. The book is a fascinating account of childhood in turn-of-the century England."
This cabinet cards shows four unidentified, but beautifully posed childre, two boys and two girls. The children look to be about 5-13 years old. The portrait is undated, but because of prize medals won in European competitioms e can dte the portrait to 1886-87. The girls wear identical white dresses with flounces and reuffles. The boys wear two British boys' standards, the sailor suit and the Eton suit. Fewer older boys wore sailor suits compared to many other European vountries. The younger boy may not have begun school yet. We see many boys in primary school wearing sailor suits. At the time boys from well-to-do families tended to enroll in private preparatory boarding schools at about 8 years of age. These schools had uniforms and thus many English boys stopped waring sailior suits at this age. It was wealthy, fahionable people that set styles at the time. School uniforms varied, but the Eton-tyle was adopted at several schools. The studio was H.W. Watson in Gloucester.
The Stracheys was a well conected Victorian family. the family produced politicans, statesmen, and historical and sociological writers. This Strachey family photograph was taken about 1883 by the famous French photographer Nadar. Two older boys are wearing Eton suits. Lytton and his sister Marjorie look quite similarly dressed with long hair, bangs, and Fautleroy-looking outfits. We have information on some of the best known family members.
Here we have have an unidentified family photographed by an itnerant photographer during a park visit. We would guess it was taken in the 1880s, but are not sure. It is atin-type portrait and they are more difficult to date than CDVs and cabinet cards. We see father, mother, their son, and grandmother. The boy is wearing a sailor-styled kilt suit with a saucer cap. The dealer suggested the 1860s, but we think the 80s is more likely. While tin-types are more difficult to date, the outdoor scenes captured by itnerant photographers do provide views outside the studio.
This cabinent card portrait show four substantial women and a little boy (figure 1). The portrait is undated, but we believe was taken in the 1880s. (We encourage any insights on dating readers may have.) The boy looks to be about 5 years old and wears a velvet sailor suit. The women are notable for their whale bone corsetys. We wonder how they could breathe. The poertrait was taken at the Caisley Studio in Tomorden, West Yorkshire. It is marked Church Steps in a strange script. We think that was a kind of street address.
Here we have an unidentified Liverpool family. The caninet card is undated but looks like the 1880s to us. Liverpool in the late-19th century was a vital part of the British economy. It was the major port for trade with Africa and the West Indies. And with th industrial rebolution industry became increasingly important (19th century). The Liverpool and Manchester Railway was opened (1830). The city had a substantial Irish population. The city became known as 'the second city of the Empire' as well as 'the the New York of Europe'. They look to be a substantial middle-class family. In between mother and father are sic boys and girls. They look to be about 3-14 years old. While the children are not identified, the s is a boy. gender is fairly clear. The youngest child wearing a dress and pantalettes. The child in the center wearing a velvet dress is a girl. The one child we are not sure about is the child in father's lap. We think probably another girl, by we are not positive. The short hair and prominent ears suggest it may be a boy. The garment looks like a vlvet kilt suit. The The boy also with fatherwears an Eton collar with what my be a saior jacket. His older brother wears an Eton collar with a collar buttoning jacket. The older sister wears a velvet dress with a lace collar. The studio is Richard Brown in Liverpool.
This cabinet card portrait comes with no information except that the studio was Cedric Wright in Northampton. The dealer believes that the phograph was taken in the 1880s. That seems about right, pehaps about 1890. Perhaps readers will have some insight here. Northamptonshire islocated in the East Midlands, between London and Birmingham.
We see what looks like a very wealthy family living on a country estate. We are not sure about the lady. She may be a grandmother, but a givrness seems more likely. We do not have a full image of their country mnor house, other wide we might be ble to identifyit, including the family. The manor looks like it may hve been quite large. We only see a wall. There are four children, two boys, theur sister, and a bby. They look to be about 10 years olddown to the baby. The girl wears a black dress with an elaborate hat. The boys lok to be wearing jockey outfits. The boys wear identical outfits, except for the color of their sweatrs (jerseys). Note they wear these infoirmal garments with Eton collars and biws. There hats look likd modern baseball caps, but we think were mnt to be jockey cps--note the donkey. All the children wear dark long stockings. The boys have high-top shoes, the girl low cuts.
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